Steaks, Burgers, Beer & Wine.

The best of the Chop & Ale House and The Restaurant. All on one menu.

All your favourites.
One Restaurant.

We've taken your favourites: Fabulous Burgers, Great Steaks and — most importantly of all — 'Chop and Ale House' Chips and wrapped them up on one menu for you to enjoy as the Ultimate Champany Experience.

Steak Cooked to Perfection

Chop and Ale House steaks served on the bone and our fantastic Restaurant steaks: cut to order, grilled especially for you, carved in the kitchen and served.

The Champany steaks are hung, butchered, grilled and served on the premises. This way we can ensure your steak is cooked to perfection.

“The best steak I've ever eaten is served at the Champany Inn outside Linlithgow in Scotland: a truly outstanding restaurant and one I would recommend unreservedly” John Lanchester, Esquire Magazine

Mouthwatering Burgers

Long before it became the thing, 'The Chop' has been serving some of the best burgers around. They are all on the menu.

Choose the classic Cheeseburger, the Bacon Burger with locally smoked back-bacon or the scrumptious Champany Burger with lashings of blue cheese sauce, bacon and — at its heart — the burger to beat all burgers.

What's on the menu?

The Menu is a combination of both The Restaurant and The Chop and Ale House Menus.
Click here for the Restaurant Menu...

P.S. We Forgot to Say...

Waffles, Mr Whippy Ice Cream and Champany Cheesecake are all there to tempt you after your meal.

Oh how you have missed them (we know because you have told us...)

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